Check out this beauty:
It lists for a hefty hefty HEFty $275--$55 per volume 🤯--but our friends at Amazon will let you have it for $247.50. Believe it or not, I...with my little Retired Too Early Pension...thought about buying it. (Or maybe the paperback version, which Amazon will let you have for $131.10-- $26.22 per volume.)
Because I've been thinking...this fiction reading...even popular fiction with the Slough House series and maybe some other fine and fun, and I've certainly chowed down on more pages than I can imagine doing without a "disciplined" reading program...but it's not really what I started this thing for. I started it because there was a book series... A History of Philosophy by Frederick Copleston, S.J....that I'd wanted and tried to read since I was a teenager, but it had kicked my ass. So I thought I'd apply the Longest Journey Begins With A Single Step adage. At first that meant 15 minutes (minimum) per day. And it took a long time...but I did it. It wasn't about how many books I read or how many pages I averaged, it was about taking on a big challenge and sticking with it.
So I decided I wanted to get back to that concept. And I've been wanting to head into some religious I decided to try out Aquinas' Summa. Honestly...I don't know if I can do it. We're talking about 3,020 pages of heavy material. And there's no way I can do 30 pages a day of that, so I'm setting my sights on 10 pages per day. Which means that reading this will take about ten months. It's more than a little bit intimidating.
The Louisville Free Public Library has volumes 1, 2, 3, and 5 (go figure), though, so I decided to give it my best shot. Picked up Volume 1 today. Will commence reading tomorrow.
Wish I had some company. If you're tempted, go to and throw down.
And for the record, Volume I has xix + 580 = 599 pages.
Day 1 (DDRD 2,636) January 17, 2025
Read to page xix--none of which was written by Aquinas. It wasn't easy going, but I made it.
Tomorrow page 1 and St. Thomas.
From "Encyclical of Leo XIII": "Now men, blasphemous, proud, deceivers, go from bad to worse, wandering from the truth themselves and leading others into error." (xiv)
Does this remind you of anyone?
And here's a good word I've never encountered before: