Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Complete Kafka

Public Domain

1. Franz Kafka: A Biography by Max Brod

2. The Frozen Sea: A Study of Franz Kafka by Charles Neider

3. Franz Kafka, A Writer's Life by Joachim Unseld

4. Franz Kafka: The Complete Stories

5. Amerika: The Missing Person

And I'm sorry to say that that is where my Quest for the Complete Kafka ended. Between the fulsome praise of Max Brod, the ridiculous "interpretations" of Charles Neider, the many bad stories in The Complete Stories, and the boredom I found in Amerika, I decided not to punish myself by continuing with this commitment. I loved Kafka when I was young, and there are still a few stories I love, but I don't have enough reading years left to me to devote any more time to him. Sorry, Franz. Thanks for all the 🐟.

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