Wednesday, August 28, 2024


If you're a friend and I haven't told you about this yet, my apologies. It's always been easier for me to write about my fears than to talk about them. And I'm a little loopy these days.

If you used to be a friend (or lover) and are just checking in on me, then I hope you're doing okay. I can sincerely say that I have no anger, no bitterness, no ill will in my heart for anyone I've known in this lifetime. And I can guarantee you that I still think about you, and wish that we were still friends.

Okay. Deep breath.

I was with both of my parents when they died. 

My mother died at the age of 83, primarily due to a series of strokes. As she neared the end of her life, she became untethered from reality. She'd insist that my sister, who had dedicated her life to caring for her, was trying to poison her. She had about a 90 second loop that she would repeat for the entirety of my visit. She didn't always know who I was. Sometimes she would come back to herself, and she'd say startling things. Once she told me that she felt like she was made of sand, and the ocean waves were washing her away. Once she asked me to get a gun and shoot her. When I told her that I couldn't do that, she said, "If you loved me you'd do it."

My father died at the age of 59. He had lung cancer. He struggled through chemotherapy, which put him into remission just long enough for us to hope that the nightmare was over. Then the cancer came back, and he died in a hospital bed, unconscious at the end.

I used to say that of the two ways to die, I'd rather go my father's way. Mostly because it would cause less pain to the people who loved me.

A week ago I was in a doctor's office. He was explaining to me that the small blur on the MRI he'd examined was probably cancer. He told me I had three choices: (1) wait 3 months and have another MRI to see if anything had changed; (2) have a biopsy; (3) have it cut out. I immediately rejected (1). I asked about (2). He said he could do that, but if it was cancer, they'd have to go back in and do the whole thing over again...and that would cause me a lot of physical distress. He also said that in his experience, (1) it looked like cancer and (2) the earlier it was attended to, the better my chances of recovery were.

So in less than two weeks I'll be having a piece of my left lung cut out. 

Yes, I have been talking to Jesus. To be honest, no more than I was before, which was every night. So at least no one can accuse me of hopping on that bandwagon.

I once said to a friend, "We all know that we're going to die, but none of us really believe it." 

I started to believe it a few years ago when I ended up in the ER with non-ischemic left bundle branch blockage. Which hurt like fucking hell, by the way, and still haunts me at least once a week...despite the eight medications I'm currently knocking back.

But since that doctor visit last week...I not only believe it, I know it. In my bones. If not from this, then something else in the not too distant future.

I'm only occasionally terrified, though. 67 years is not a bad run. I have three children and a grandchild that I'm nuts about. I have two sisters who love me and would do anything for me. I have a few beloved friends who are dear and true. I have read lots of good books. I've had some fabulous orgasms. 

And I think I've added at least a little bit of good to the world. I hope so, anyway.

News as it happens.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Carlos Castaneda

I've been thinking about Carlos Castaneda for a few weeks now. I'd read at least his first book (The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge), and possibly more, when I was a teenager, and had thought I'd read all of them (12 total, I think) some day. 

Well, that day hasn't yet come, but I did get an audiobook of that first book, and I've been trying to listen to it every night for a couple of weeks now. ("Trying" because I tend to fall asleep within five minutes of lying down with an audiobook, so I've made very little progress in it.)

And then a few days ago I was checking out the bargain books spinner rack at Half-Price Books when I beheld a copy of Tales of Power (the fourth book in the series) for a dollar. 

But I didn't buy it.

Don't know why. 

Maybe because it wasn't the first book.

But a day or two later I realized that that was foolish, and I went back to H-PB, thinking that it would probably be gone ...and it was. 

Alas, alack.  

But for some reason, instead of chastising myself and heading home dejected, I did something I have never done before: I went through every book on that rack. (I usually just look at the ones in the front, because most of them are shit books and there are much better places to look for good books in the store.)

And there was Tales of Power, hiding behind a couple of Janet Evanovichs. 

But I kept going. 

Dunno why.

And there was Journey to Ixtlan. For a dollar.

Still, I persisted.

And there was The Second Ring of Power. Two dollars for that one.

So for $4.30 I got enough Carlos Castaneda to keep me busy for a couple of months.

And there was much rejoicing. 🎉🥳

#Kamandi Alert!

The Good News: Kamandi appears in Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part Two (2024) PG-13 1h 34m.

More Good News: He is voiced by Will Friedle, who previously voiced Terry McGinnis in Batman Beyond.

Even more Good News (though not related to Kamandi): Terry McGinnis / Batman also appears in Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part Two.

This is it for Good News: Kamandi & Terry will be back for Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part Three later this year. 

 The Bad News: As you can see (👆), this version of Kamandi is a little on the Big Head, weird face, and A Little Scrawny side. Even worse, he's kind of whiny. He even cries when an ally is gunned down...while the fight is still ongoing. And instead of a regular old All American pistol, he carries some kind of funky laser pistol. This is not Jack Kirby's Kamandi. 

But the Worst  Bad News: he does almost nothing in the short bit of screen time he has. In face, anybody else could have done what he does. Even Bert or Ernie.

So yes, if you're a true Kamandi fan (moi), you have to see it, so I hope you have the streaming platform formerly known as HBO Max. Just don't expect to enjoy it very much.

Just sayin', sir.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Dear Christians...

Ephesians 4:31 - 5:2

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.  1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us....