Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Putting the Fortune into Wheel of Fortune

Vanna White's Net Worth

When I first wrote about Vanna's net worth (1/11/12) it was $15 million. Not bad for someone who touches letters and claps. But I just checked again and it now stands at $30 million. Not a bad gain for four years, eh? And she gets another $8 million each year for her "work" on Wheel of Fortune.

So there you have it.

And I saw an interview with her in which she made reference to doing those once famous (and still well worth doing an Image Search for) lingerie shots because she was hungry.  I totally believe her, too.  I mean, take a look at those pictures, she's lusting in front of an open refrigerator and EVERYthing.

But I've got to say, if you only know Vanna from her current appearances on the show, you just don't know Vanna. She was super hot back in the day, boys. Try doing an image search for her + refrigerator and you'll see what I mean. And you'll thank me for it, for sure.

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