Thursday, October 23, 2014

poeM oF thE daY

What I Didn't Do Today

or yesterday
or the day before yesterday
or the day before the day before yesterday
and only did a little bit on the day before that
but before that had done every day since September 2009
and many of the days before that as well.

and how do I feel?
my teeth feel like they're made of glass
the thin, cheap kind that will shatter against 
the faucet if you're not careful when washing dishes
there's a warm ball of barbed wire at the base of my neck
and another one nestled into the base of my spine
my muscles all feel attenuated
so to answer your question,
not so good

I keep feeling like I forgot to do something important
or like my best friend has just died
or like my doctor just told me I have three days to live
I have such a wealth of dread
and my lips are tingling, ears ringing, eyes blurry
and I really wish that I had had a cigarette today

But I didn't.

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