Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Willow by Braden Urevick

I'm always amazed when a young person does a song (poem, story, novel, play, etc.) which seems to come from a place that's full of sorrow and pain and aching and wisdom.  It's a good argument for the whole reincarnation thing.  And Braden Urevick's four songs 

1.  What Are You Thinkin  (3:05)
2.  Appalachian Mountain High  (4:01)
3.  Somewhere Down the Road  (4:30)
4.  Over the Hill  (3:26)

on The Willow EP sure are full of sorrow and pain and aching and wisdom.  And some joy, too.  All of which can be yours for a mere $4 if you go HERE.  Well, actually you can listen to them for free there, but don't you think it would be nicer to throw down $4 . . . and maybe leave a nice little note for Braden as well?  Sure you do. Let's do this.

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