Friday, November 30, 2018

Louisville Happenings 200 Years Ago

"POPULATION. There are no documents by which we can ascertain the progress of the population of this place, or even determine, with certainty, what it is at present; but allowing six persons to each house, which is the usual number in similar estimates, we should have 4,020, yet so much is the town crowded, and so condensed is its po-pulation, that we may with great safety assert, the whole amounts to 4,500 souls; so rapid is the increase of this number, that, in all probability, it will be trebled in less than ten years."

Sketches of Louisville and Its Environs: Including, Among a Great Variety of Miscellaneous Matter, a Florula Louisvillensis or, a Catalogue of Nearly 400 Genera and 600 Species of Plants That Grow in the Vicinity of the Town, Exhibiting Their Generic, Specific, and Vulgar English Names

by Henry McMurtrie (1793-1865)

Publication Date 1819

That was then. And now? The population of Lyndon alone is 3x that. This looks like a really cool book. If you think so, too, you can find it on The Internet Archive. 

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