Saturday, April 9, 2022

Grachan Moncur III

At some point I'm going to do some lengthy writing about Grachan Moncur III, whose Evolution (1964) has been spinning around in my head pretty much non-stop for a couple of weeks now. But for now, just this:

I Tweeted .

See, as I was chasing down some leads on Mr. Moncur, I found out that he had played on an album by Jackie McLean...Destination... Out! (also from 1964). Not only played on, but wrote most of as well--3 of the 4 tunes. I knew this because of my good friends at Wikipedia and because I first listened to the album on YouTube, wherein the credits were given to reflect this fact. But then I went over to Spotify to see if they had anything else I should have a listen to, and for some reason I hit the link for Destination...Out!. Here's what came up:

Hmpf. I checked back on Wikipedia to make sure that I'd read the information there correctly, and found that I had. So I was pretty sure that Spotify had gotten it wrong. But, then again, I've caught Wikipedia in a couple of errors before (and yes, I corrected them; you're welcome), so I wanted to make assurance doubly sure. How to do that, though? Well, bright boy that I am, I went to eBay and found some copies of the Destination...Out! album for sale, and went through pictures until I found one of the back cover:

Mr. DeMille?

So there you had it. Being the fellow that I am, I felt a deep need to see this error corrected. Mr. Moncur deserves better treatment than this, you know? So I looked for a way to contact Spotify, and eventually decided that a direct Tweet was the best shot, so this:

God is in the details, brahs and we've got to take care of the details, right?

No response yet, but here's hoping.

And 🗞 as it happens, over course.

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