Speaking of Golden Multitudes...
"In her autobiography, Romantic Adventure, Mrs. [Elinor] Glyn says that she wrote some of the more passionate episodes of Three Weeks during a visit to Venice a year or two after her marriage, when she felt herself neglected by her husband. 'My romantic soul,' she writes, 'constantly sought in flights of unfettered imagination an escape from the limitations and deprivations of my married life, and Three Weeks was the product. My head was a little turned, perhaps, by the amount of attention which almost all men except my husband gave me at that time.' It is a stirring thought that if Mr. Glyn had been more attentive on that holiday in Venice the world might have been spared Three Weeks."
Golden Multitudes The Story Of Best Sellers In The United States by Frank Luther Mott
After I finish this book, I'm going to see what other Frank Luther Mott books are to be had. He is one funny motherfucker.
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