Sunday, December 14, 2014


Just saw a bit of "Big" Dick Cheney's segment on this morning's Meet the Press.  It was a pretty unpleasant experience . . . like watching a ferret being poked with a stick.  One thing did interest me, though:  how twice "Big" used 9/11 as a justification.  First, as a justification for "enhanced interrogation techniques," second, as a justification for the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.  Those are two pretty big axes to grind, which tells you something about the size of the grindstone.  And that grindstone seems to double as a flywheel.  

I guess that in itself isn't remarkable.  But I can't help but think how many times I've heard people dismiss accusations that 9/11 was an inside job by saying, "Why would the U.S. government do / allow that?  What would they have to gain?"  How about because there were people who were smart enough to know that this would be the engine for the forseable future of the United States of America?  Everything from drones peeping into your bathroom window to taking off your fucking shoes at the airport to killing innocent people in the Middle East  can be justified by referring to 9/11.  It's the Modern American Panacea.  

P.S.  Woke up 4:30 am-ish. Checked email. Checked Twitter. Looked at some pictures posted by Shara Worden.  Checked a link (posted by someone or other) which led me to a story about America's use of torture.

9/11 mentioned twice.  That's how long it took for 9/11 to come up today.

P.P.S.  And a couple of minutes later I read another story about how Fox news trivializes stories about American use of torture, and it also made reference to 9/11.

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