Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Okay, my campaign begins in earnest now.  I happened upon a video a moment ago, and I was appalled. (With emphasis.) AP-PALLED* that it had only received 56 views.  Whoever shot the video either should be or recently was shot-- (stupid angles, constantly sliding off of the subjects), but if you ignore all that and just listen you hear a tight band and some great vocals. How can work like this only have 56 views?  The answer is simple:  because we're too busy paying millionaires to entertain us to have any time or money left for The Luna Sea Band.  I found this completely by accident--I was looking up "pie hole" to see if it was listed as one or two words (both, btw), and then I thought, "That would be a good name for a band," so I looked to see if there was one.  And up popped this video.  And I listened to it.  Three times.  And I liked it.  And then I wrote this.  I also looked on Amazon to see if this band had anything for sale there, but was unable to locate a single dingle.  Gonna keep looking, though, and I will holler back if I find anything.  Cause I sure as shit would rather send ten bucks to the Luna Sea Band, who--no disrespect intended--could probably use it than to John Mellencamp ($25 million) or Bob Dylan ($180 million), even though I do love them both dearly.  They don't need any more of my money.  Not even a little bit of it.  I'm going to try really hard not to give them any more of it.  And it will be hard.  I have loved both of those boys for a long, long time, and buying their stuff as soon as it came out has been second nature to me for decades.  Not even waiting for a price markdown.  But they've been making it easier to resist lately . . . especially Dylan with several very pricey sets.  I will miss having their new music.  I will listen to it for free if I can.  I may even buy second hand copies if they're cheap--since that money goes to the store.  But I won't steal it, and I won't pay for a new copy of it in any form.  Enough is enough is enough.  

*Waiting for Godot, Act I

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