Andrew Luck, Ameritrade, and Dangerous Things
I've got nothing against the Colts . . . other than that they snuck out of Baltimore in the middle of the night, but I'm getting ready to let go of that. And I've certainly got nothing against Andrew Luck, and have even gone out of my way to watch Colts games because of him. And I don't know a got-damned thing about Ameritrade. For all I know, they might be the most progressive, most generous company in the history of Western civilization. So I'm just sayin' here, right?
I saw an Ameritrade commercial featuring Andrew Luck...
...and I said to myself, "Self . . . what if all of the celebrities in the world refused to endorse any products or services unless they could ascertain that said products and services (and the companies which produced them) were decent, honorable, and not harmful?"
Self could not answer, however:
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