Sunday, October 30, 2016

Best. Sequel. Ever.

I just saw the most astonishing movie sequel of all time. Missed the title sequence and opening credits, but of course I recognized Willem Dafoe immediately, and then it all clicked into place: The Last Temptation of Christ 2.

I don't know if Martin Scorsese was at the helm for this one (you may remember that I mentioned missing the opening credits), but whoever the director was had some massive and buoyant balls, for sure. Choosing to set the sequel onboard a luxury liner was a stroke of genius. And talk about bold--not only did we have a clean-shaven Jesus this time around (!), but this Jesus had quite a chip on his shoulder as well. (He also seemed to be very fond of golf, which took me by surprise. I didn't see that one coming at all.)  But it was nice to see Jesus back on the water again, even if he did seem unnecessarily angry. All in all, it was an amazing job of film-making. I'll bet this one killed it at the box office. And having Sandra Bullock on board as Jesus's new pal was just brilliant.

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