Thursday, February 2, 2023

My Milestones

The second Milestone Compendium is going to arrive at my door tomorrow--courtesy of Thrift Books, whose price on it was $10 less than Amazon's (HA!). Which got me to wondering how many (if any) Milestone Books that left uncollected, which led me to search through my old blogposts to see what I'd had to say about Milestone previously, which led me to dig up this old and unposted post:


I've been reading and thinking about Milestone Comics since they first appeared on the scene in 1993. I bought at least an issue of most of their monthly series, several issues of some of them, and all of the Shadow War and Xombi books--the latter of which was the only one which seemed really different from other comic book concepts to me.

I'm pretty sure I have some other stuff, but it might still be mixed in with my other books.

Blood Syndicate 1 - 2, 10, 17 - 19, 21, 27 - 28, 33

Hardware 1, 4 - 5, 7 - 8, 10 - 11, 28, 36 collection 1 (1-8)

Heroes 1

Holocaust  2

Icon 1, 3, 8 - 9, 26, collection 1 (1-8)

Shadow Cabinet 0 - 17

Static 8, 11 - 12, 20

Worlds Collide 1

Xombi 0 - 15

And here's a complete list of Milestone Books from Wikipedia:

Monthly series (8)

Hardware – 50 issues. A trade paperback Hardware: The Man in The Machine was published in 2010, collecting issues #1-8.
Blood Syndicate – 35 issues.
Icon – 42 issues. The first eight issues were collected in the trade paperback, Icon: A Hero's Welcome in 1996, and a second edition was released in 2009. The issues that feature Buck Wild, Icon's return to his home planet, and the rampage of Icon's enemy Oblivion have been collected as Icon: Mothership Connection in 2010, collecting issues #13, 19-22, 24-26 and 30.
Static – 45 issues. Also made into an animated series Static Shock. The first four issues were collected in a graphic novel: Static Shock: Trial by Fire in 2000; and a new mini-series was published in 2001 called Static Shock: The Rebirth of the Cool, it ran for four issues.
Shadow Cabinet – 17 issues.
Xombi – 21 issues.
Kobalt – 16 issues.
Heroes – 6 issues.

Miniseries (4)

Deathwish – 4 issues (Hardware Spin-off)
My Name is Holocaust – 5 issues (Blood Syndicate Spin-off)
Static Shock: Rebirth of the Cool – 4 issues
Wise Son: The White Wolf – 4 issues (Blood Syndicate Spin-off)

Crossovers (3)

Shadow War – Company-wide crossover. Involved all comics, including the newly premiered Xombi and Shadow Cabinet.
Long Hot Summer – Company-wide crossover: three issues of the comic by the same title, plus tie-ins in every Milestone title. – July–September 1995.

Worlds Collide – 1 issue (crossover with Blood Syndicate, Hardware, Icon, Static, and DC's Steel, Superman and Superboy).


So now, of course, it's time to do some color coding. Red for all of the books collected in Compendium 1, Blue for all of the books collected in Compendium 2. Go!

Hardware 1-12, 13-21, of 50
Blood Syndicate 1-12, 13-23, of 35
Icon 1-10, 11-21, of 40
Static 1-8, 9-20,  of 45 + 4
Shadow Cabinet 0, 1-4, of 17
Xombi 0-11 of 21
My Name is Holocaust
Static Shock: Rebirth of the Cool
Wise Son: The White Wolf
Shadow War
Long Hot Summer
Worlds Collide 1
  Steel #6-7, Superboy #6-7, Superman: The Man of Steel # 35-36 

So clearly there's plenty of room for another Compendium. In fact, I'd say at least two more. Will sales be high enough on Compendium 2 to warrant a third and fourth volume?

It's up to you, friends. I'm sorry to say that the Thrift Books edition has gone up in price so that is pretty much identical to Amazon's now--a mere $1.53 cheaper now--but buy it from them anyway, they're good people. There is a cheaper price on AbeBooks...which lists it as used, which is weird, since it was literally just published... but don't buy it from them, they're owned by Amazon, too.

Make yours Thrift Books!

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