Saturday, February 18, 2023

Lourdes and the Real World

Finally got a chance to see the 60 Minutes segment about Lourdes which aired on December 18th, 2022. I mostly taped it for Jacqueline, but she was only vaguely interested in it. I, on the other hand, was fascinated. Of course I've heard about people being healed there before, but this program took us into some amazing details. For instance, it tells the story of a nun who was healed, whose case was examined by 300 physicians, none of whom could explain how it was possible for her to have been cured of her condition.

Of course there are still a thousand questions, but for now I'm just letting those sit and allowing myself to wonder if there are not more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in my philosophy. Or, as a priest in the program said, 


"The real world is wider than the visible one." 

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