There should be a word for "flipping through streaming content whilst raving starkers drunk on cheap whiskey." Like BLITZKRIEGING, maybe. Cause you're, you know, blitzed. And krieging. ANYway . . . .
I was Blitzkrieging last night, and after fruitlessly pounding through the Netflix and Amazon offerings, I clicked on CWSeed, which I'd heard of but not yet experienced. And (suddenly!!!) there it was.
And not just John Constantine . . . Matt Ryan John Constantine.
So of course I watched it then and there. And of course it was The Usual: Newcastle, cigarettes, John's a bastard, allathat. What else are you going to do when you start up a new series? (Although I've often wondered about that. Every super-hero movie starts with The Origin Story, right? But why? Mainstream movies don't start with the origin. They just tell a story. I think that might be why for there are many times when you could have picked up an issue of the monthly comic book and got a better story than the movie provided. Plus the whole Now We Have to Make It Bigger! thing which eventually sinks every super-hero movie and show. Fuck, I think about how much I liked the first few shows of Supergirl, and it is just unwatchable nowadays, bloated with super characters who do really silly things with their capes and shit like that. Where have all the good times gone?)
And it was a decent story. The animation was a bit shit, but not out of the par for the course range of this age.
Right now there's only one 28 minute episode available, which was kind of a bummer, but when the show ended the first episode ("Non Est Asylum") of the 2014 series, and it was cool to watch that again. (The kind of thing I've been meaning to get around to, but there's so much new stuff coming all the time that it's hard to find your way back to the Golden Oldies.)
But I will mos def be looking for more of this Constantine: City of Demons thing. I remember that being the title of a mini-series from some time back. Let's see . . . five issues, 2010 to 2011 . . . according to the synopsis, it doesn't look like it has anything to do with the animated show, though, so I guess I don't need to go dig it out for a read, then, do I? Might anyway.
Meanwhile, ponder this wisdom from Mr. Constantine:
"Sometimes shitty things happen because that's just the way the world is."
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