Friday, October 12, 2018

What's My Name?

Maybe it's just my imagination getting away with me...but I see a new trend in car advertisements. Specifically in the advertisements for pricey cars like BMWs and Acuras and others of like ilk. In these ads, people drive like assholes...including doing  such things as driving in reverse, cutting people off, etc. And I have to say that that is often my experience on the road as well. Some folks seem to think that having an expensive car entitles you to act like a jerk.

Well, now Acura has decided to take the next step and make a deal with the devil.  There's a commercial running in which some Joe Coker Wannabe sings pieces of The Rolling Stones's "Sympathy For the Devil" as an Acura tears ass down the mountainside. 

 Wow.  I guess that's okay now.

Seems like some sad ass shit to me, though.

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