Monday, January 7, 2019

Getting Friendly With The Foxes

I was watching Fox & Friends this desire for fairness, for hearing from The Other Side, one-half desire for Ainsley Earhardt, The Hot Blonde...when I saw this story. According to it, Fox viewers had raised / helped to raise (I'm not clear on that, but it's not the salient factor here) $350,000 to help  Ronil Singh's pay off her mortgage and to start a college fund for their son. 

 Ronil Singh was a brown man, and an immigrant.

So thinking about Fox & Friends and its viewers as racists who hate immigrants just doesn't play out, does it? (And I have to confess that I have had that thought myself on occasion.) 

And BTW, I also spent time with MSNBC and CNN this morning...much more time than I spent with Fox, actually...but I didn't hear anything about Ronil Singh or the fund to help his widow and baby.

As me sainted mother used to say, “There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us,
it doesn't behoove any of us to speak evil of the rest of us.

And hey, bonus fact: when I Googled this quote to make sure that I had it right, I found out that these words were uttered by none other than Mr. Edgar Cayce. How about that.

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