Thursday, September 5, 2019


I've been reading Bukowski (again) this morning
and last night, too,
so that probably explains this,
but I don't feel the need to apologize 
or even squander another moment here

I went to the bank yesterday
parked and walked in, just like in the old days,
and the teller recognized me
said hello
then asked how The Kids were doing.
I said good, thanks, not really Kids anymore,
27 and 24,
and she asked, "Are they still living with you?"
and then a sentence containing the words
 "a home" and "didn't know."

And I'm slow, so I just said yes, they were,
added something
about how bad most community living places are,
(I could but won't tell you some stories)
and it wasn't until I was back in my car
that I remembered a woman I'd briefly dated 
asking me why I hadn't put my kids into a home yet,
as if that's just what you do when you have That Kind of Kid.

And that kind of made me want to go back into the bank 
and say something to that teller,
but shit, she didn't mean any harm,
and she seemed to be a nice lady all in all,
so I just went home and commenced to peck at my liver.

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