Saturday, February 13, 2021

Again, 2


"They've been stripped of the self-respect it took centuries to win, there's not a moment of the day when they don't feel like they're being fleeced and they've been taught that the only thing they've got to make them feel a little less shitty is to rant about how they are white so they have a right to put down darkies. ...Meanwhile, the true culture of the French people - social heritage, the national education system, the great political theories - has been deliberately dismantled. The greatest achievement of the dictatorship of the 1% has been its ability to manipulate minds. The alliance between banks/religions and multinationals has won the battle. They have managed to get a citizen with no heritage to give up all their rights in exchange for access to a nostalgia for empire."

Vernon Subutex 2 by Virginie Despentes

To be clear, Virginie Despentes is talking about FRANCE, not the United States of America. Probably doesn't need to be said, since OBViously this kind of shit couldn't happen HERE.

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