Monday, February 15, 2021

The Little Things

 I read this is Virginie Despentes' Vernon Subutex 2, and thought it was something worth thinking about. When you're in a relationship, it's easy...maybe even inevitable...that you start to take some things for granted, especially the "little" things. Maybe you stop holding the door for your SO. Maybe you stop trying to hold your flatulence until you can go to another room. Maybe you stop taking a shower before you go out together or to meet somewhere. There are a million possible little things. And when you neglect them, it's not necessarily a lack of respect or love...but I think it is always an assumption that because the person loves you, you don't have to pay so much attention to The Little Things. Which is good, in a way, as it takes the pressure off. Nobody can maintain the constant vigilance that is part of the early stages of a relationship. But Virginie suggests to me that every little thing actually counts. Every little thing has an effect upon the course of your relationship.

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