Wednesday, May 5, 2021

This is Then, That is Now

I'm less nervous about watching the news now that Trump has been run out of town, so I fired up CNN to accompany my morning coffee. 


Tennessee State Representative Justin Lafferty and Colorado State Representative Ron Hanks have communicated the same message within a few weeks of each other: the 3/5ths Compromise embedded in Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the U. S. Constitution (which counted Black slaves as 3/5ths of a person) was an attempt to limit the amount of representation that "slave states" had.

Well, for the record...that's bullshit. Black slaves were denied the right to vote, so the 3/5ths Compromise "gave Southern states a third more Representatives and a third more presidential electoral votes than if enslaved people had not been counted." (Wikipedia

Before he spoke, Mr. Hanks was accidentally called up as "Rep. Lynch" (Mike Lynch Colorado House of Representatives is from the 49th district). "Being called Mr. Lynch might be a good thing for what I'm about to say, no, just kidding." (Marshall Zelinge @Marshall9News Apr 15) 

So let me get this straight: this guy was about to lie about the mistreatment of Black folks, and he thought it was appropriate to joke about lynching before he did it.

“Colorado, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 12,255 votes that would have put Lori Boydston in the seat for the 60th District. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our Justice, Morality, Common Sense, and Decency. Not to mention Historical Accuracy."

Let's see if that happens. 

Meanwhile...I'm starting to feel nervous about watching the news again.

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