Thursday, October 3, 2024

Saying the Rosary

About a week ago...maybe even exACTly a week ago, but I'm not sure...I got out the rosary that somebody gave me years ago (and I'm sorry to say that I don't remember who or why), found a Follow Along video on YouTube (, and said my first Rosary. 

I'd been thinking about it for some time. Bought a little instruction book 

                                          months ago so I could get going on it...and then never got started. 

I go to Catholic church twice or more a month, but I'm not Catholic. Still, lots of the Catholic rituals appeal to me, including the Rosary. For one thing, I like the idea of focusing on prayer for an extended period of time. I do say prayers every night these Our Father, a Hail Mary, a Pitiful Sinner prayer, a remembrance for those who died and for those who are dying prayer, a Thank You for My Blessings prayer, and a few prayers for various people I know who are struggling. But the whole shebang only takes like four minutes, and I wanted a more extended time to attempt to focus my thoughts. So...the Rosary.

18 minutes. It's not hard, but it does take focus and sometimes planning. I haven't missed a day since I srarted, and I'm going to try to keep it that way.

And? Well, I don't know yet. But I don't think it ever hurt anybody to spend 22 (4 + 18) minutes a day praying. I'm going to think of it like getting Active Minutes on my FitBit. And I'm going to aim for 150 (or more) Prayer Minutes per week. 

News as it happens.

The Joyful Mysteries: Mondays & Saturdays, Sundays of Advent and Sundays from Epiphany until Lent

The Sorrowful Mysteries: Tuesdays and Fridays, daily from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday

The Glorious Mysteries: Wednesdays, Sundays from Easter until Advent

The Luminous Mysteries: Thursdays

ADDENDUM: 10/11/24 On the positive side, I've managed to say the Rosary every day... despite the temptations of drugs, weariness, and forgetfulness. On the negative side, my Rosary broke.

I tried to put it back together,  but it's in a very fragile state. I ordered a new one which is due to arrive tomorrow.  🤞 It's A St. Lucy Rosary...and was touched against something belonging to St. Lucy, according to the description. 

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