Thursday, April 5, 2018

Stephanie Ruhle[s]

As I may have mentioned previously . . . or was that on Twitter? Do I still have a Twitter account? I've been meaning to quit it, but I keep vacillating on that one. Hmm. I'll have to check. Post a link if it's still ticking. 

ANYway . . . I think Stephanie Ruhle is superdedooper sexy. And in the best way: it's her vibrancy and her style, not her willingness to show her cleavage (which, so far as I know, she doesn't do--making her one of the three female news anchors who don't participate in their own sexual exploitation on a regular--if not daily--basis. coughbrookebaldwincough
And MSNBC has become my GoTo news channel since I got fed up with CNN, so I am seeing Ms. Ruhle just about every day now. And I like her for her intelligence and her values and all of that, too. I'm superficial, but not THAT superficial. 


A few minutes ago she did the same old Liberal Bullshit that keeps dropping onto my bike path lately. She was doing a segment on Scott Pruitt. It was the same thing I've been hearing for several days now. "He got cheap rent on a condo" is always the focus, which I think is kind of tragically funny. Do we really give a fuck about that when it's juxtaposed with the hideous damage this motherfucker is inflicting on our planet? Apparently so. 

There was a Token Republican on Stephanie's panel, and SR asked TR what she thought about the situation. The condo situation, that is. And TR said this and that about that, a little hem and haw, but mostly pointing towards He Shouldn't Oughtta Have Done That, then said, "But we should remember that Scott Pruitt is doing a good job."

Now, at this point, I believe the appropriate thing for a news person and interviewer to say would be, "What do you mean by that? In what way has he done a good job? What has he done that you consider to be a Good Job?"

But that's not how the Liberal Thing works. (And I hasten to point out, once again, that I am a Liberal, I have not succumbed to the pressure of old age which so often turns Democratic coal into Republican diamond; I am just really tired of Liberals who act like idiots. I got tired of conservatives who act like idiots four decades ago.)

So instead of probing, Stephanie went off on a little rant about how Scott Pruitt has done a good job if you deny climate change and are okay with corporations sticking their smokestacks up Mother Earth's ass. Now, I totally agree with Stephanie's perspective on that. There is no doubt in my mind that she is correct in her assessment of the Scott Pruitt situation. 

But I'm not a news anchor. 

(I'm more like a news plankton.) 

And that's all I have to say about that.


Because on SR's show and whatever show that follows it (which is blaring in the background even as we speak), they showed an excerpt from an interview which appeared on FOX News with the aforementioned Scott Pruitt. And I don't recognize the interviewer, but he is a FOXy guy, and he was just pinning Pruitt's ears to the wall and bitch slapping the old motherfucker. So yeah, there's a lot of shit on FOX, foe show, but . . . it's not all shit, man. And I think that's something to think about. There are so many people in my life who have decided what they think about things in advance and don't bother to assess the situation as it exists in front of them. And that is no way to get to heaven, children. If you want to get to heaven, you got to raise a little hell. As in hello. As in listen before you decide. And if you listen and the person is an asshole, then bitch slap them. Unless you're a news anchor. In which case, I am pretty sure that your job is to seek out the truth and present it to your viewers . . . not to tell them what to think. That's what assholes are for. 

But I still love Stephanie Ruhle.

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