Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Again, TYT Visions

Morning. Coffee. Turn on TV. MSNBC. CNN. FOX. Same old shit, brand new day. Same stories I had heard about last night. For that matter, same stories I had heard about yestermorning. And maybe even for a day or two or three before that. But before I hit the off switch, I flipped over to TYT.

And oh. Oh, my. (Please for to picture Steve Martin as Vladimir reaction to Robin Williams as Estragon calling him a "Crrrrritic!")

Because there on my little tv screen were two intelligent and energetic people talking about news that hadn't been pre-chewed, cycled through seven cow stomachs, and spewed back out at me.
Indeed, here were people who cared passionately about what they were saying, who actually knew what the fuck they were talking about, and who were no pimping their friends's shows / books / whatever the hell else MSNBC and CNN are constantly trying to sell me. (It's quite incestuous. And vain. And many other last names.)

Maybe it was just an anomaly. But I know what I'll be tuning in to first tomorrow morning. I like these guys. A lot.

You come too?

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