Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Re: Thinking

Checked in on the news this morning, hoping that (1) Trump was heading for prison, (2) the Senate passed the law to protect a woman's right to choose, and (3) that Ukraine had driven Russia to its knees and that Putin had been ousted.

Needless to say, I didn't get any of those.

What I did get was a paean to the courage and resiliency of the Ukrainian people, and a to me bizarre reference to the courage and resiliency of the Vietnamese people as they fought against the United States. (Not that I disagree, just that it wasn't something I expected to hear this morning on the national news.)

Which, of course, made me think, "How is the Russian Invasion of Ukraine different from the United States' Invasion of Vietnam?

And if I'm in complete sympathy with Ukraine (which I am), then doesn't that mean that I should be in complete sympathy with Vietnam during that war? 

I guess I've just never thought about the Vietnam War as being a case of the United States invading South Vietnam. Which might just mean that I've swallowed the American propaganda as completely as some of the Russian people are now swallowing Putin's jizz. 

Humbling and demoralizing thoughts.

I'm overdue to get back to reading Noam Chomsky. I should probably start with Rethinking Camelot

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