I just finished reading the latest issue of Detective Comics, and I was really blown away by it.
The art, with pencils by Eddy Barrows, inks by Eber Ferreira, and colors by Adriano Lucas . . . none of whom I'd heard of before . . . was very good. I was particularly impressed by the layouts, which were innovative, but not in the all too common Look At Me, Ive Got Purple Hair & a Nose Ring! way. They moved the story along in an interesting way. They enhanced the story. And there was a nice visual allusion to The Dark Knight Returns which wasn't ham fisted the way such things usually are. Very well done.
And the story, by James Tynion, IV, was just superb. Funny, I remember when his name first started cropping up . . . in tandem with Scott Snyder, and I always felt a twinge of disappointment. Not because of James per se, but because I felt that I was getting watered-down Scott Snyder. When his name finally started appearing by itself, I think I carried some of the negative associations I'd held along with me, and I wasn't impressed by anything he did. But now I'm wondering if I should go back and have another look, because the story and dialogue in this issue (which is, by the way, Chapter Two of "A Lonely Place of Living") were outfuckingstanding. So much seems to be boiling beneath the surface of this story. After spending a year and a half waiting for some pay-off on the DC Universe Rebirth thing--and getting very little in return; I mean, fock, what was up with that "The Button" bullshit? Four issues of watching The Flash and Batman run around on a treadmill? [Now available in a Deluxe Hardcover Edition, BTW.]--I feel like this is where the real deal is starting. And I'm actually feeling some of dat ole time comic book magic thang.
I'm looking forward to reading the next issue of Detective Comics. I'm looking forward to seeing how this slams into the side of the story that's been running in Action Comics.
I'm looking forward to finding out why the Tim Drake Batman says "Hrm."
And lots of other stuff. If you are or ever have been a comic book nerd, I think you're going to want to see this. Mos def go back and find issue #965. I don't think you need any of the Action Comics issues that have gone before (and I'm POSitive that you don't need "The Button"), but my guess is that around the time Action hits #1000 (not too far in the future now, ids) it'll become a must have item. And since everybody in the universe is going to buy a copy of THAT issue, it might be worth your while to put it on your pull list.
Just sayin', sir.
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