Friday, October 27, 2017

Detective Comics #967

I picked up a shitload of comics this week . . . $40 worth, which is pretty ginormous for me these days . . . but guess which one I had to read first?


And it looks like I'm not the only one who's burning (who's burning who's burning who's burning) for good old DC. For one thing, there were no issues of it on the stands at The Great Escape   . . . and it just came out two days ago. I've never seen that happen with Detective Comics there before. (And I've been going to The Great Escape for 37 years now.) * So I had to stop in at my Back Up Comic Book Store, The Destination.** Which I have done a few times in the past, only to find that they are sold out of what I'm looking for, too. But I was in luck this time, and they not only had Detective Comics #967, I even had my choice of covers--the shitty Robin Getting Strangled one or the superdedooper cool you see DeepArted above. And for another thing, according to the Bestsellers List in Previews, Detective Comics is doing okay sales-wise: #21 for September. And for aNOTHer thing, Comichron also puts it at #21 for September, with the additional information that it sold 57,102 issues that month. ***

And I just finished reading it.


Oh, yeah. 
Right THERE, baby.

I don't want to get anywhere close to spoiler-ish territory, but let me just say this: I think am sure absolutely certain that Jack Kirby would approve of this use of this aspect of his Earth After Disaster world. 

That's what AHM talkin' 'bout, foe show.

Here's looking at you, kid.

* HOLY SHIT! I've been going to The Great Escape for 37 years!)

** Which is also a very nice comic book shop, by the way. In fact, I would make this my regular comic shop because (1) the guys who run the shop are so nice and (2) it's a lot closer to me than The Great Escape, but (1) Sonia and Crystal at The Great Escape are so nice . . . and so sweet to Joe and Jacqueline, and (2) they give holds customers 15% off their purchases, and all of their "graphic novels" are discounted, and (3) I've been shopping there for 37 years now *.

*** Which sounds pretty shitty to me, too, but let us not forget that we're living in this Post Apocalypse Literacy State in which there were only four comic books that sold more than 100,000 copies that month. And there were 377 comic books that sold fewer comics than Detective Comics that month. I guess everything really is fuckin' relative these days, ennit?

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