Wednesday, February 14, 2018


I'm sick of.

I'm sick of it & I'm sick of it.

I'm sick of men using their power to intimidate and take advantage of women.

And I'm sick of the advertising industry turning women into cheap whores.

Case in point: here's a poster I saw in the Mall today:

And if that's still not obvious enough . . . 

This is not empowering women. This is not giving women control of their sexuality. (That's just liberal idiocy and bullshit.)

This is exploitation and degradation, and it is contributing to the misogyny which is blazing across our society every single fucking day now.

And there is a very real cost for this. 
Battered women. 
Murdered women. 
Abused women.

Did I mention that I'm sick of it?

Time to grow up, America.

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