Tuesday, March 5, 2019


I was watching a little MSNBC whilst having lunch, and caught a bit of Senator Amy Klobuchar talking about her run for President in 2010, and letting everyone know that she is not nor has she ever been a socialist. (😌) And you know, she seems pretty okay to me. I don't know who I'm going to end up voting for, but it definitely could be her. Plenty of time for that.

As they were chatting, the anchor brought up the fact that Hillary Clinton has said that she definitely will not be running in 2020. And that gave me pause.

I have never been a big fan of Hillary Clinton. I voted for her in the general election in 2016, of course, because I'm not a homophobic, brain-dead racist-fascist-white supremacist. But I didn't feel good about it. 

But after two years of Trump? Well. Let's just say that we as a nation would definitely be in a different...and better...place if Donald J. Trump were neither real nor president. 

And then I thought some more.

Let me get this straight. For the first time a woman puts up a viable run for the presidency, right? And she wins the popular vote by almost 3 million, right? But not only does she lose...she loses to a dumb ass, belligerent, rude, know nothing mother fucker who then proceeds to rape our country not only in every available orifice, but in some new ones that he custom makes.

What are we saying to women. That's not a question, it's a cry of pain. 

It makes me wonder if we are ever going to make it to the 20th century. (SIC)

And I think it means something else, too. Don't take this the wrong way, but unless one of the boys (thinking particularly of Bernie, Beto, and Booker here) does something extraordinary, I'm going to vote for a woman in 2020. Not in an Any Woman Will Do way, but in an All Other Things Being Equal, We Owe Women Big Fucking Time in 2020. Time to pay a bit of the debt, I think.

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