Sunday, March 3, 2019

Weird Shake-speare

This is a little break out from my long "My Shake-speare Project" post...because I thought it cried out for a spotlight.  

In Act V, Scene i of Love's Labour's Lost, a character (who, btw, seems like a dead ringer for Don Quixote), says this:

"I must tell thee, it will please his
grace, by the world, sometime to lean upon my poor
shoulder, and with his royal finger, thus, dally
with my excrement, with my mustachio...."

I've read a fair amount of least half of his output, and I'm working on the rest of it even as we speak...and I've run into a LOT of really weird shit...but this is the weirdest weird shit I've run into so far. Also the only weird Shake-speare shit that I've run into that was actually about shit.


Like literally literally, that is.

Got live @
if you want it.

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