Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Mrs Creevy's Prayer for Schoolchildren

"Almighty and everlasting Father," they piped, "we beseech Thee that our studies this day may be graced by Thy divine guidance. Make us to conduct ourselves quietly and obediently; look down upon our school and make it to prosper, so that it may grow in numbers and be a good example to the neighbourhood and not a disgrace like some schools of which Thou knowest, O Lord. Make us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, industrious, punctual, and ladylike, and worthy in all possible respects to walk in Thy ways: for Jesus Christ’s sake, our Lord, Amen." 

A bit of perfection from George Orwell's A Clergyman's Daughter

P.S.  This post gets a lot of hits. Is it just The Orwell Factor? I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me a comment reference what brought you here. I won't publish it if you tell me not to.

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