Sunday, July 30, 2017


I was keeping track pretty carefully for awhile there. 
Even did some writing about my days leading towards Year 60 . . . with an eye on 59 years 11 months, because that's when my dad died. 
(Clarence Franklin Kalb, Jr. December 18, 1924 to November 18, 1984). 
But I lost my focus and didn't realize that I'd passed the 59 / 30 mark until just a little while ago. 
I've outlived my dad by eleven days so far.

Which is kind of mind blowing.
Because in my memory my dad was much older than I am now.
Much more on top of his shit.
Much more at home in the world.

Of course, that might have just been my imagination.
Or it might just have been what he projected out into the world.

I'll ask him next time I see him.

Meanwhile, here's a song I wrote a while back.
(Been thinking about this 60 thing for awhile there.)

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