Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Attention, Commie Pinkos and Anti-Commie Pinkos Who Want to Know Your Enemy

You know Haymarket Books, right? Some great stuff over there. Noam Chomsky, Arundhati Roy, Angela Davis, Howard Zinn, Jeremy Scahill and Naomi Klein all have books with them. And speaking of the later two, they are both represented in The Anti-Inauguration: Building Resistance in the Trump Era, a short (40 page) book which might be required reading. I'll let you know, as I just downloaded it. For free. From the Haymarket Books website.


Those Commies. They're having a big sale . . . a 90% off all of their ebooks and a substantial 30% off their bookbooks. So, for instance, you can get an e-version of the 1040 page History of the Russian Revolution by Leon Trotsky Translated by Max Eastman for $1.60. Or a paperback of same for $22.40. Or a hardback of same for $31.50. (The latter of which looks truly fabulous, and I am pretty seriously tempted to get it, and may succumb to said temptation any minute now. I mean, look how beautiful it is:

 Don't you just want it? Don't you? Don't you?)

They also have some really cool Book Club options which I wish I could afford. Check 'em out at Tell them Comrade K. sent you.

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