Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Who is Swarmius Chamber Orchestra, and Why Are They Playing Those Terrible Things Around Me?

Well, NOT terrible, actually. Just going for the Harry Kellerman thing, you know. Unless, of course, we're talking quaternary definition ("formidably great"), in which case, yes, terrible

It was an accidental find, of course. I got an email from Nick Harper (a personal one, I think), and it included a link to a video about the making of his latest album, which is the first one he's ever made with a band. So I watched the video. In the course of which Nick made mention of the fact that he had bumped into his new bandmates when he picked up their then new album Floating Above the City (2014) and loved it dearly. So I went for a little look-see on Amazon, and when I searched for Floating Above the City it came up with something called Suite Noir I in C Minor, Op. 63a: I. Floating Above the City At Night by someone called Swarmius Chamber Orchestra, so of course I had to play that sample. And it was pretty stunning. A kind of fusion of classical music with jazz and a dash of zhuh nuh say kwah thrown in for good measure. So I went to the You Tub to see what I could find there. Which turned out to be quite a bit. Amazon only had Suite Noir I in C Minor, Op. 63a: I., 63b: II., and 63c: III. YouTube had a whole bunch of live stuff which I'm working my way through, and all of it so far has at least been interesting, and at most revelatory. 

But I keep coming back to this Suite Noir I in C Minor, Op. 63. It's just 30 minutes and 11 seconds of wondrous shit, brahs and tahs. Like it's so good that I am on like my sixth run through today right now, even as we speak. And yet . . . the hit counter thingie is only showing 19, 12, and 31 (how'd that happen) views for the respective parts. I'm hoping that's because it's posted someplace else and there it has like a million views / listens there
  . . . but I'm thinking that that probably isn't so. Sheesh.

Well, I've gotten more than a little bit shy about posting links, so I'm not going to do that, but if you just go to YouTube and search under Suite Noir I in C Minor, Op. 63, you'll find the goods, and if you've got 9:17 for that first part, I'm betting that you'll come up with another 20:54 for the rest of it. It's just nothing but good.

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