Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Thinking About Switching to DIRECTV?


See the snow on the antenna? That's all it took to knock DIRECTV out. I switched over to DIRECTV 23 months ago because (1) it was cheaper than cable and (2) I was assured by three different people (2 salespeople and the person who came to do the installation) that the signal would not go out during bad weather. As I've previously noted, that was a lie--every time it rains, and sometimes even when it's just cloudy, I lose my signal. But this was a new twist. When it snows, you lose your access until you either climb up on your roof and clear the antenna (not recommended) or until the snow melts off. 

One more month of this bullshit, and then I shall never go DIRECTV again. So if you're thinking of giving it a try . . . think again, brah / tah.

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