Sunday, May 24, 2020


On the one , this came to me ✋.
On the other , it has a good provenance. 

A nurse practitioner was ✋.  
She told a doctor. 
The doctor told her mother. 
And her mother told me. 
Which makes you the , right?


The nurse practitioner was working in a hospital, and she had to tell a family that their grandfather had died of Covid-19. The family members reacted by saying, "No, he didn't. Coronavirus is government hoax. YOU killed him."

I'm a pretty cynical guy when it comes to assessing the intellectual prowess of my fellow human beings. I feel bad about that, but in my defense, I have (1) served three years in the U.S. Military, (2) taught in the public school system for twenty-three years, and (3) been involved in various parent groups for the past thirty years.

I also have neighbors.

And I have to say, that even with all of that in mind, it's hard for me to believe that there are people who are so stunningly stupid that they don't believe that Covid-19 is real. I mean, for fuck's sake, there are 100,000 Americans dead now. I'd think that pretty much EVERYbody knows SOMEbody who has either suffered or died from the virus. I don't get out much, and I still know six victims. 

To me, this is like someone saying, "Your kids aren't autistic. Autism is a government hoax. You just don't know how to keep your kids in line!"


I'm going to go on record as saying that in less than two weeks if you take a look at Wisconsin you'll get a pretty good idea of how real this shit it.

Actually, after watching the news today, I'm thinking you're probably going to be able to look at just about any state two weeks from now and see how real this shit is.

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