Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Question for Isaac Asimov Fans

I was reading Isaac Asimov's Foundation and Empire this morning, and I came across this line--

"...there is a difference between boldness and blindness. There is a place for a decisive gamble when you know your enemy and can calculate the risks at least roughly; but to move at all against an unknown enemy is boldness in itself. You might as well ask why the same man sprints safely across an obstacle course in the day, and falls over the furniture in his room at night."

--which I thought was pretty perfect in
the context of our current Coronavirus Pandemic: Obviously Opening Things Up Too Soon And / Or Without Sufficient Safeguards In Place. But it seems to me that the second (underlined) "boldness" should actually be the word "blindness." I am loathe to correct the Good Doctor...but, of course, this could just be a proofreader's error. (I find them in just about every book I read.)

Any thoughts?

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