Thursday, June 22, 2017

Beatin' the odds, beatin' the odds, beatin' the odds AGAIN

Huffington Post article from July of 2017, puts "an obese man’s chances of reaching a normal body weight at 1 in 210." 

In other news, a Daily Mail article from November of 2011 posits that "69 per cent of adult smokers wanted to quit last year, and more than half tried. But when asked how many actually achieved their goal, the numbers plummeted.
Those with a university-level degree were most likely to quit with a success rate of 8.9 per cent."

Dialing sound. Dialing sound. Dialing sound. Dialing sound. Dialing sound. Dialing sound. Dialing sound. Dialing sound. Dialing sound. Dialing sound. Dialing sound. Ringing sound.


"Hello. This is Brother K. I'd like to speak to The Odds."

"This is The Odds speaking." 



"Have a nice day."

Hanging up sound.

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