Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Didn't see that one coming.

I was settling in for an eyes-open snooze with DC's Legends of Tomorrow when I heard one of the characters refer to John Constantine. I started watching, even though I figured that it was just a passing reference. And then . . . there he was, Himself, chasing a chicken around an apartment. And even though he wasn't onscreen nearly enough to please please me, still . . . it was Matt Ryan as John Constantine, and that was a good thing. And now I hear that the old hellblazer will be joining the cast of the show. Mixed feelings about that, as Legends is not a good show . . . far, far from it . . . and I only continue to "watch" it because Joe loves it and I love sitting with Joe and chatting about the shit that happens in the little box in the living room. But hey, for John I can work up enough enthusiasm to give it another shot. Just wish that The CW would hire some decent writers . . . preferably ones who don't think comic book based stories have to be written like comic books from the forties.


don said...

I too was delighted to see J.C. last night and "call work up enough enthusiasm" myself to keep watching.

Brother K said...

And apparently there's going to be an animated Constantine as well? Hotchacha.

Brother K said...

And thanks for the typo call out!