Sunday, January 1, 2017

"Should a hard day's work pay a real living wage?"

Had  (abc) This Week With George Stephanopoulos on while I drank my morning coffee. Just to make sure that the world had survived another New Year transition. Apparently it had . . . though I haven't been outside yet, and that's the pudding.

And as I was watching the usual bullshit (mostly Trump bullshit), an ad came on about an upcoming show on (abc) which posed (and apparently will answer) this burning question:


I had to check my watch to see if I was still alive. (It was 9:25. and I was, thank God. 1 ) But what kind of nation do we now live in? I'm sure that it's is just "click bait," but I have to say that I'm ashamed that we live in a country wherein this question can even be asked.

1 Only for you hard core Bowie fans.

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