Monday, January 9, 2017

The Return of Henry Thomas Buckle

It's been a long time since I read Volume I of Buckle's A History of Civilization in England, but I still remember it as one of the high points in my reading life. And I've always meant to go back and hit Volumes II & III, but you know how that goes, don't you? 

But I was Spazierganging around on Amazon Kindle Books and saw something called The Life and Writings of Henry Thomas Buckle by Alfred Henry Huth for a mere 99 cents. I Googled title and author to see if anybody thought Huth's tome was worth reading, and damned if the first hit wasn't a link to a free downloadable version of that book (at if you'd care for a look at this PUBLIC DOMAIN work).

Which mos definitely put me in a Buckle kind of mood.

More news as it happens.

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