Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Morning, 2017

Well, sure, it's Christmas morning. And yes, I did take the kids to Christmas Eve Mass last night, and we didn't get home until 1 a.m. . . . and Jet woke me up at 5 a.m., and Jacqueline, anxious to open presents, got up a few minutes later. But that's no excuse not to do my fifteen minute daily reading of A History of Philosophy, right? Right. You're bloody well right. And you've got a bloody right to say, "Right. (Quite right.) You're bloody well right."

So I did. And I encountered what may be the most interesting thought I've ever encountered.

What if God is not conscious of being God?


That's a bit of a game changer, ennit?

In a way, it explains everything--from Alzheimer's disease to infant cancer to Donald Trump to Pol Pot to the duck-billed platypus.

God is not conscious of being God.


There's no "In a way" about it. 

This explains EVERYthing. Wow-ee. Kind of scary.

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