Sunday, January 21, 2018

Electrical banana Is bound to be the very next phase

I woke up thinking of bananas. Specifically, banana skins. It occurred to me that I've heard that the skins of fruits contain more nutrients than the interiors, and that we eat the skins of many fruits.  And I wondered if that was true of bananas as well. So before I even got out of bed, I Googled and found an interesting article (@ which said that not only can you eat banana skins, but that they do, indeed, provide quite a few nutrients. To wit: B6, B12, magnesium, potassium, fiber and protein. The article also noted that people around the world do consume banana skins, and implied that not doing so was pretty stupid because (1) you were throwing away nutritious food and (2) Americans eat a lot of bananas (12 billion pounds per year), and many of the skins end up in landfills. And you know what happens when you put organic garbage inside of a plastic bag.

And I also got this NUTRiBULLET for Christmas. So . . . 

Actually I sliced the banana up into little pieces--and I did throw away the stem--before adding 100 grams of strawberries (with the leaves on), 100 grams of blackberries, protein powder, and water. And? It tasted quite good. And there was no evidence of the skin in the final product--it was as smooth as any ATB* that I've made. 

banana with skin: 3g of fiber, 2g protein
strawberries: 2g of fiber, .7g of protein
blackberries: 5g of fiber, 1.4g of protein 
protein powder: 24g of protein

Total: 10g of fiber, 28.1g protein (about 27% of daily fiber requirements and about 41% of daily protein requirements) . . . and about 300 grams of fruit, which is a significant chunk of what the government guidelines say you need per day (75% of their minimum, actually, so a VERY significant chunk).

The Business Insider article also made reference to the fact that you can cook banana skins, so I might could try that in the near near as well. But if nothing else, I think I've thrown away my last banana skin. And that in itself is a pretty palpable hit for us, as we probably go through at least 15 bananas per week between the three of us. I just did some rough and quick calculations (which I will attempt to remember to verify later), and that seems to come to about a pound of banana skins per week. 52 pounds per year. I would be very happy to remove that poundage from my garbage. 

And it that don't suit ya,
that's a drag.

* For reasons unknown (but time will tell), I vigorously and viscerally despise the word s m o o t h i e . So I looked it up to see if there was a synonym, and ended up on the Wikipedia page, wherein the opening line of the article on it said it was a thick beverage. And I thought that was funny. So I adopted it in abbreviated form. It makes me happy to do so.

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