Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Just one more thing....

I was taking a break from the Michael Cohen testimony, doing some dishes, when something hit me. One of the congresspeople had asked Cohen about a purported video of Trump striking Melania while they were in an elevator. Cohen immediately responded by saying something along the lines (I'm working from memory) of, "Mr. Trump would never do that."

What hit me was when I imagined the roles of Trump and Cohen being reversed. If there was a report of a video of Cohen striking his wife in an elevator and someone asked Trump about it, even if Trump knew 100% that it was a lie, I can hear him saying, "Many people say that that is true. I don't know, but I don't see why it wouldn't be true."

Cohen is a bad man. He is a criminal. No doubt about that. He most certainly does deserve to go to jail. But next to Donald Trump he looks like a fuckin' saint.

Well shit, no saint emoji. 

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