Tuesday, February 26, 2019


I don't watch a lot of college basketball, but when I saw a listing for Providence vs Butler, of course I had to tune in. I mean, who wouldn't want to watch the Cthulhus beat down a bunch of Bulldog bitches, right?

Well, imagine my surprise when I tuned in and not only found no Cthulhus...but not even a bunch of Lovecrafts, for fuck's sake. Shit, man, I thought that people from Rhode Island were cool. I mean, they had the balls to call their 3/4ths landlocked state an island. You'd think they could put themselves out there just a little bit in naming their basketball team.

So that's it for me, Big P. I'm droppin' the mic, and next time I see your name in the listings I'm just going to walk on by. I'm going to spend that viewing time on the Las Vegas Whores next time.

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