Saturday, February 25, 2017

FOXy Laddies

I've not been a fan of FOX News. And I haven't watched a whole hell of a lot of it, to be honest. But I was thinking about how Trump claimed that Fox was fairer to him and how it had a different tone, and I decided to spend a little time checking it out.

Have to admit that I was surprised at what I found. 

First off, there was the usual malarkey: The O'Reilly Factor, Hannity, Stossel. No surprises there.

But second off, I found that there were some shows that actually contained some questioning of Trump . . . and some that actually criticized His Majesty. I was particularly impressed by Neil Cavuto. So much so that I will actually make his show (or shows--he has several) one of my go-to choices (along with CNN and MSNBC). Last night, for instance, he talked about the exclusion of most of the major news networks from a White House Gaggle, and concluded not only that it was wrong, but that reporters had to stand together to protest this. Not what I expected to hear.

Third off, I saw a commercial . . . or at least I think I did . . . I was a little high, so I am not ruling out the possibility that I hallucinated this . . . for freeze-dried survival food. I went online this morning to see if I could locate it and my best guess is that it was Wise Company. Assuming it wasn't a hallucination. I have to admit that that was more along the lines of what I expected from FOX.

And fourth off, I tuned in this morning at 3 a.m. or so and found a show called Red Eye which actually seems kind of amusing. There was a fellow who made reference to evolution and then quipped, "I know a lot of people who watch this show don't believe in evolution," and it seemed pretty clear that this was a jab at the stereotypical FOX viewer. And in another story about a new dating app which requires that the users talk to each other on the telephone, one of the Red Eye boys quipped, "Using the phone as a phone? What a novel idea." I thought that was pretty amusing. But then again I'm up in the middle of the night watching tv after having been more than a little bit high, so my judgment is questionable.

Now, I still think . . . hell, there's no think about it, I know . . . that Trump is full of shit, and the fact that he said something nice about FOX's reporting on him means nothing. But I have to say that this is once again an instance wherein I have to look beyond my

assumptions to see that there is more to a thing than I would have thought possible. 

P.S. So after a little nap I awakened to Fox & Friends and this was quite a different thing. One the plus side, there was a pretty hot woman, Abby Huntsman, and I always appreciate that. That's it for the plus side. All three of the hosts were stupid, snide, and most definitely right hand dominant. And the stories that were presented . . . for fuck's sake. Example? One of the stories was about a coven of witches who were placing a spell on President Trump, and Pretty Abby noted that they would be casting spells regularly until Trump was out of office, and said that "we will be covering it every step of the way." Because that's news. So there's THAT side of FOX. 

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