The four issues of Saga I acquired from that wonderful Image sale a little ways back . . . plus the fact that I had picked up a copy of issue #41 when I saw the "misprinted cover" copy on the stands . . . created an inertial force which proved to be too much for me. I needed the next issue. Like real bad. I tried to resist. I almost bought it on the stands. And then I almost paid full price for the e-version. But when it went to $1.99 . . . which was today . . . I bought it. And read it immediately. And damn, that is one good comic book. I don't think I want to wait around for the collections anymore. And for the first time I am up to date on the Saga saga.
This issue should get an award for Best Use of Blank (Black) Pages EVer. Lay down your $1.99 and see why.
And here's a quote which I found pretty wonderful:
"The more you care about someone, the more likely it is that your eventual parting of ways will be as sudden as it is baffling. And you can forget about 'closure.' Trying to figure out how and why a loved one exited your life only ever leaves you with more questions."
I'm not at all sure that it is true in any kind of general way, but it sure as hell cuts me to the quick when I think about Clare. Other than my kids, I don't think I've ever cared about another person as much as I cared about her. And I was baffled by her sudden departure. And trying to figure out the why of it led to so many questions that it almost destroyed me, and it sure as hell did burn me down to the foundations. Kind of like what happened to Pirsig in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, but less philosophically oriented.
So it took about five years, but I am now a regular Saga reader. Feels good, too.
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