Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Public Service Announcement: Brian K. Vaughan's SAGA on sale for 80 cents an issue (issue 1 - 40)

Brought to you by the lovely folks at Comixology, of course. 

Saga is a great comic book. I've read every issue from 1 to 36 so far, and I've never been less than pleased, and have often been more than delighted. If you like comic books, you've love Saga. If you don't like comic books, you'll still love Saga. Because it's not stupid or child-oriented, and because problems are not always solved by someone punching someone else in the face. It features grown-up story lines which challenge racism, sexism, and genderism. It's exciting, wise, and funny. Speaking of which . . . if you don't read comic books, but are broad-minded enough to give one a try--for a mere 80 cents you could be reading the first issue--then I would bet that you will love Saga. And I'm not a betting man. In fact, I once told someone that I never bet, but I occasionally take other people's money.

So at 80 cents an issue you can almost get current with Saga (issue #42 just came out two weeks ago) for a mere $32. Plus tax, I think, but I really don't remember. Still, a hell of a deal. $32 wouldn't even get you eleven DC comics in the store these days. And would only get you 8 Marvels.

But wait! If you're willing to jump into deeper water, you can get the Saga Book One: Deluxe Edition, which gives you issues 1 -18, for a mere $11.20 from Comixology. That puts the per issue cost down to 62 cents per for those issues. And if you buy issues 19 - 40 at 80 cents each, that puts your total cost at $28.80, and your per issue cost goes to an average of 72 cents each. What more do you want, people?

This sale ends on February 9th, though, so ACT NOW!

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