Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Six months ago . . . maybe more . . . I bet a friend $50 that Hillary Clinton would not be the next president of the United States of America. I told him that Americans would not allow a woman to be president at this point in time.

I am not happy about winning that bet. In fact, I'm not even going to mention it to my friend, and I hope that he's forgotten about it. I really don't want to profit off of Trump becoming the next president.

But I still think that America's lack of respect for women is a big part of Clinton's defeat. Women didn't even get the right to vote until 50 years after Black people did. So maybe by 2058 America will be ready for a woman to be the commander-in-chief. 

It's shameful.

But I think there are two other big reasons for Trump's win. One is that he expressed the anger and hatred that boils just beneath the surface of so many Americans. That hatred has been exacerbated by liberals who have steadfastly refused to speak the truth about matters of race, and who have hobbled all discussions by way of political correctness. (For example: when I was a high school teacher, more black students were suspended than white students. In order to fix this problem, the system higher ups limited the number of black students who could be suspended. Which gave permission to some black students to act up with impunity, thus exacerbating the problem. The truth of the situation was this: for whatever reason, more black students caused problems in school than white students, and that was why they were suspended more frequently. If that had been acknowledged, maybe some actions could have been taken to address the reasons for this behavior and then to attempt to ameliorate the situation. But that would have been deemed racist, so the actual problem was ignored.)

The other big reason for Trump's triumph I found expressed in an essay on Chinese science fiction:

"Contemporary China is a society in the transition stage when old illusions have collapsed but new illusions have not yet taken their place; this is the fundamental cause of the rips and divisions, the confusion and the chaos." 

"The Torn Generation" by Chien Qiufan

And, of course, Contemporary China America.

It's all very sad and confusing. I pray that the American system has enough built in counter-weights to prevent us from toppling into disaster at the hands of this crazy mother fucking bitch dog we've elected president. 

But I have to admit that I'm scared.

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